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Welcome to my Author Website. In the following pages, you will find news of my publications and samplings of my work, including short stories and poems, as well as faith-based articles and commentary.

The STORIES & POEMS page features SHADES OF DARKNESS, my debut novel.  CLICK ON THE LINK THAT FOLLOWS TO ORDER DIRECTLY FROM AMAZON, available in both paperback and Kindle.  
  https://a.co/d/4985pGV    REVIEWS ARE APPRECIATED!

You can follow me on facebook.com/Roseannraniere22
and on Instagram.com/raniereroseann

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me through the CONTACT page or at Roseanns_Page@aol.com

Thank you for visiting. I hope you enjoy the read, and will come back often.

                                                                                    R.S. Raniere